(Can’t find any video of the show, so here’s an official video from a few months ago)
Why this gig?
Oh, you know the score by now. I’ve seen Annie Eve so many times. I did consider not going to this show because a) it’s only a couple of months since I last saw Annie and b) I really don’t like the Borderline very much. But , in the end, I just couldn’t resist it.
I’d never heard of Jake Morley before. He was very good. Folky singer-songwriter with a nice line in clever guitar techniques. Well worth checking out.
Not much has changed since the last time I saw her play. Her (amazing) first album is out and the crowd know the songs better than they did in July. And Annie’s confidence on stage just grows and grows. It’s astonishing to compare tonight’s performance to the shy singer I saw in my local pub eighteen months ago.
She deserves great things to happen to her. Check her out on YouTube, buy her album, and then watch out for gigs near you.
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